Bloomberg Law
Environment & Energy Report

Vermont’s Climate Pollution Law Faces Long Road to Implement

Vermont’s first-in-the-nation law to make fossil fuel companies foot the bill for climate change damage is almost sure to spur lawsuits—but probably not for a while, according to an attorney and lobbyist who helped steer the policy.

Louisiana Seeks to Undo EPA Water Quality Certification Rule

The EPA hasn’t justified rescinding a Trump-era rule curbing states’ veto power over polluting pipelines and other infrastructure projects, eleven states led by Louisiana claimed in a summary judgment motion.

Increasingly Wild Weather Worries California’s Grid Operator

Extreme weather events that strike with increasing frequency — from record heat waves to floods and damaging storms — are making it harder for electric systems to plan for the future, according to the head of California’s grid operator.

EPA’s Steam Electric Power Plant Waste Rule Faces Lawsuits

Power companies in separate lawsuits are challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s final rule revising wastewater discharge guidelines for steam electric power plants, including those that use coal, saying it’s unlawful.

Interior Affirms Trump-era Oil and Gas Leases in Utah Wildlands

Fifty-one Trump-era oil and gas leases in southern Utah were affirmed by the Interior Department Thursday after it finished a new environmental review under a settlement agreement with environmental groups.

Rare Toads or Clean Energy? An Environmental Law Fight in Nevada

In Nevada, can a balance be struck between an endangered toad species and the pressing need to address climate change? The future of NEPA, a 54-year-old environmental law, may hold the answer.

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German Coal Company to Get About €1 Billion for Shutting Mines

Germany’s second largest coal miner is likely to receive in the region of €1 billion ($1.1 billion) in compensation for the shutdown of its fossil operations, with the <-bsp-bb-link state="{"bbHref":"bbg://securities/0629846D%20BB%20Equity","_id":"0000018f-cfa1-d495-a5cf-efbb08770002","_type":"0000016b-944a-dc2b-ab6b-d57ba1cc0000"}">European Commission set to heavily cut down on agreed state aid, according to people familiar with the matter.

California Fights to Keep Insurers Despite Fire Risk

How a Rare Toad Species Stopped a Clean Energy Project

Climate Change Fuels Texas Boom Towns' Water Worries

Insurers Sue Their Own Clients to Dodge PFAS Claims

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Republicans Vow to Block Future Biden Judicial Nominees (2)

A coalition of Republican senators has vowed not to support any of President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees, effectively blocking the appointment of new district judges in Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, and other states six months before Election Day.